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MMCi: Clinical Informatics: Medical Resources

Resources for the Duke MMCI program



PubMed is a key database in medicine. It contains articles on diseases, treatments, models of care, medical education, health reform, and other topics relevant to this course. To get the best results out of PubMed,

  1. Identify the key concepts in your topic.
  2. Go to the Advanced Search page and search for them individually; add each term to the history and check the Details after each search to ensure you've found a good subject heading (called a MeSH term) for each concept.
  3. If you were not automatically mapped to a good MeSH term, search the MeSH database for the best heading for your concept.
  4. Use the Advanced Search page to combine your searches (OR together synonyms, AND all topics that must be in your final results)
  5. Use Limits page to narrow by study type, language, etc.

Extensive help information is available on the Medical Center Library's Searching PubMed Guide or interactive PubMed Tutorial.

Find the Full Text

PubMed's Single Citation Matcher is the fastest way to the full text of biomedical articles.

Didn't work? Try the E-Journals list or catalog.

PubMed Single Citation Matcher

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