Thomson OneThomson One covers a wide array of financial information and includes M&A data and analyst reports but must be accessed using Internet Explorer.
Contains more than 6 million source documents from various databases, including: Disclosure, Worldscope, MarkIntel market research, I/B/E/S, Extel cards and news, SEC EDGAR, New issues, Private company profiles, and Articles online database. Provides data for corporate research, competitive analysis, and investment information. Includes comprehensive financial data on U.S. and international public companies. Offers business profiles, officer information, subsidiaries, annual and quarterly financials, earnings estimates, 15 minute-delayed stock quotes and graphs, real-time SEC filings from EDGAR, and annual reports. Thomson ONE also contains detailed information on M&A activity, IPOs, and league tables for financial firms and equities. Thomson One expands on the above capabilities of Thomson Research with new data including analyst research, earnings estimates, deal information, and institutional ownership. *Must be used on Internet Explorer*