All MS1s have the opportunity to join the MS2 Book Exchange (BEx). The library representative from the Davison Council will contact the MS1 class in late Spring/Summer with information about the price for that year. The cost to participate covers the maintenance of the physical BEx books. All books licensed electronically are available to all students, regardless of participation in the physical BEx. Questions about the BEx should be directed to the Davison Council Rep, Sami Kaplan (, or Katherine Smith ( from the Medical Library.
The Library has purchased several e-book packages which contain a large number of Book Exchange titles.
These packages have unlimited simultaneous users which means they can be accessed by multiple people at one time.
Contains the latest electronic editions of over 95 core biomedical and health sciences textbooks, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Hurst's The Heart, Williams Obstetrics, and the CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment series.
Finding and Using E-Books:
Selection of books covering 6 core clerkship rotations. Featuring key titles from the Step-up, Recall, Blueprints, Shelf Life, and BRS series, it is ideal for clerkship students, faculty, directors, and coordinators.Note: You may create a free personal account to print, save content, and personalize your self-assessment.
Finding and Using E-Books:
Offers a comprehensive case collection in an interactive format which can be incorporated into a digital curricula. Helps students at all levels learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.
Finding and Using E-Books:
Electronic Books:
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Physical Access Only Books:
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Physical Access Only Books:
Electronic Books:
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Physical Access Only Books:
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