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Use Boston University's Finding Information Framework to select appropriate resources:
These resources are good for background or summary information. A bit less appraisal needed (but always look with a critical eye).
These resources require a good search. Not missing relevant research is just as important as finding some relevant research!
Not all evidence is created equal. A critical appraisal is needed...
Ask of each paper:
- Is the study valid?
- What are the results?
- Are the results relevant?
In terms of strength of evidence, it is the validity of a piece of evidence that is important. The validity of a study is the extent to which its design and conduct are likely to prevent systematic errors or bias. Therefore, the more valid a piece of evidence, the greater its strength and the more secure you can feel making treatment decisions based on it.
Richards D. Not all evidence is created equal — so what is good evidence? Evid Based Dent. 2003;4(1):17-18. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400160
Aside from the links below many other databases also provide access to guidelines including PubMed, CINAHL, DynaMed, UpToDate, and ClinicalKey.