Many other databases also provide access to guidelines including PubMed, CINAHL, DynaMed Plus, UpToDate, and ClinicalKey. Select a database and conduct a search on the specific condition (e.g. asthma) of interest, then in:
Look under the Article Types section to the left of the results, click on the Customize link, select Practice Guideline, click Show, and then click on the Practice Guideline option that is now displaying under Article Types.
Look to the left of the results, click on Show More under the Data Limit slider, find the Publication Type box and select Practice Guidelines, and then click Search.
Select a specific monograph on the topic (e.g. asthma in adults and adolescents), scroll down in the Topic outline on the left, and click on the Guidelines and Resources section.
Select a specific monograph on the topic (e.g. an overview of asthma management), scroll down in the Topic outline on the left, and click on the Society Guideline Links section.