The Duke Medical Center Library & Archives Interlibrary Loan Department can allow you to login in directly to our site to request articles from journals. You will be using the ILLIAD system provided by the Duke Medical Center Library (see link below).
You will need your Login and Password provided by the Medical Center Library.
Please keep your contact, delivery & billing addresses current. If you need help, we can assist. you
You may then order articles by logging in and filling in the blanks on the order page.
Our primary delivery method is email-PDF. We deliver only to your email address, not to your patron(s).
The ILLIAD request system has useful menu features for tracking your requests and keeping your contact information current, as well as inputting requests for journal articles.
Change Address -- You need to keep your mailing address and email current. If you are going to be away from the office for a while, you can change the email address to another staff members and they will receive the delivery emails with the PDFs of scanned journal articles. Don't forget to change the email address back. OR, even better, get a common email address that all can access so you don't have to change it back and forth and possibly forget.
Outstanding Requests -- The requests being processed will also appear on the page after you sign into the system BUT you can also check on requests the were shipped or canceled, or take a look at all your requests.
Cancelled Requests -- This option lets you see which ones were canceled and when you click on the transaction number it will give you a more detailed report. The most frequent reasons is because the journal is not available at Duke, a citation is incorrect or missing information, or pages or an issue may be missing from a print volume. When an article is canceled, an explanation will be sent to you. If you want to resubmit a request canceled for citation issues, you must provide the corrected information. If the article is not available at Duke, you can try the journal publishers Web site and pay for a copy of the article, but that will be at your hospital's expense.
All Requests and Copyright Limits -- You may want to review this list to see how many times you may be selecting the same journal. The US Copyright Law governs Interlibrary Loans and the national guidelines state that each institution can request a TOTAL of 5 articles from the same journal within the same calendar year. Again, this is the TOTAL for the same institution, not per user/requestor. This is also per calendar year. For example, Samantha Smith asks for 4 articles from JAMA published over the past 5 years and these were filled. John Brown asks for 3 articles from JAMA issues in the current five years. You can request 1 of those articles (for a total of 5 that year), but cannot request the other 2 from ILL. Articles older than 5 years old can requested so when Jacyntha Doe asks for a JAMA article from 1969 and another from 2010, you can request those through interlibrary loan. Keeping track of copyright is YOUR obligation. But, we can help. Contact us anytime for an explanation of what triggers copyright liabilities or for a list of journal titles that count toward your total for the calendar year. BEST PRACTICE: Set up a spreadsheet and when you request a journal add at least the title and date of the article and date requested to track copyright compliance.