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Pathologists' Assistant Program Resources: InterLibrary Loan


Get It At DukeEncounter an article or chapter you can't get access to?
If the Library doesn't own it, below are the steps to ordering it via InterLibrary Loan (ILL) & more about the SOM's support to cover the fees.

InterLibrary Loan = Ordering Items the Library Doesn't Own

  1. Go to ILL to register for your account (if you haven't already ordered something before, if so skip to step #4):
  2. Enter your DHE username/pw to log in
  3. Register for an account
  4. Click on the GetIt@Duke button (from PubMed, Google Scholar, etc)
  5. Click on "Request from another library (Medical Center users)"  
  6. Log into to the ILL ordering system if needed, then you will be taken to the request page where the citation information will be prefilled for you. Review it for accuracy
  7. Submit request.
  8. The article will be emailed to you as a PDF link in 1-3 business days or so, longer if it is difficult to find a library which owns it   

Note: Items we own only in print will be scanned and emailed rather quickly.  Other items we don’t own (print or electronically) we have to get from another library and there will be more of a delay.

PA Librarian

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Brandi Tuttle

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